Download Cheat Engine 7.2 for Mac. Read before download: Cheat engine is for private and educational purposes only. Before you attach Cheat Engine to a process, please make sure that you are not violating the EULA/TOS of the specific game/application. does not condone the illegal use of Cheat Engine. Forget the console altogether, download the options.rpy in the op rename it cheats.rpy drop in common folder of game. Shift + d opens the developer menu, use variable viewer to see the changeable switches, click return, then click console to make your changes.

this game is based on renpy so you can always do the renpy cheats, go to your game install folder and then go: Magical Diary Wolf Hallrenpycommon and open the file 00console.rpy in Notepad ( i use Notepad++) then go to row 98 were it will say: config.console = False
change this to config.console = True and then save, now in-game you just press shift key + O to open the console, in the console you then type dir() and then press enter to get a list of all console commands in the game, then to edit anything you just type it with a = after the code (so something like this: Code = “Any number/name etc”)

EDIT: seams like you dont need to go to the 00console.rpy file, just start the game and press shift key + O and the console will open, also noticed a: Start With Console.bat file in the Magical Diary Wolf Hall folder that i guess will do the same thing.

To get money you just enter = 100 and your money well be at 100.

George sanders cheat card game. also well entering say = 100, sure your blue magic well go to max but it’s not there to stay because as soon as a class starts you lose it and reverts back to the stat your magic in blue was. That also includes Smart and Strong as well.

but I found if you enter player.stress = -50, your stress goes down by 50 and it dose not revert back to whatever stress level you had. not sure how it dose on merits never tried to enter player.merits = 25 or player.merits = -25 .

Related Posts:

Sakura Dungeon was made with the visual novel engine Ren’Py.
It’s makes it harder to hack the game with something like Cheat Engine, but it’s based on Python, so the game scrips can be easily decompiled and modified.
In case of Sakura Dungeon we don’t have to decompile anything, the game got an developer console, that can be simple enabled and used to modify the game while playing. This is what the guide about.


  • Modify stats and attributes
  • Add or remove consumable, valuable items and outfits

Get Started

Being A Dik Developer Console

At first we want to activate the developer console.

  1. Save and close the game.
  2. Go to your Sakura Dungeon directory.
    gif tutorial
  3. Go to renpycommon folder and search for 00console.rpy.
  4. Open 00console.rpy and go to line 98.
  5. Change config.console = False to config.console = True
    gif tutorial
  6. Done, now you can use the developer console ingame.

Console usage

After activating the console, you can use it ingame.
Try to open it with shift+o.
gif tutorial

Generally the console can execute any valid python command.
We will use it to manipulate the game.

Modify stats and attributes

After starting a new game or loading a save (not in main menu), you can modify your companions(actors) stats and attributes.
Some Stats like VP or AP are dynamic and will be reseted to max value.
Attributes are more static and will be only modified by items you use.


Each ally got an object, you can modify anything about him through his object. Normally this objects got the same name as the character, but there are exceptions. See the actors list for more informations.

There are two main characters, Yomi(the player) and your first companion Ceri.
Yomi is coincident the player himself, so you can access her/players object through player or fox.
And Ceri’s object is named knight.With this information you can start modify their stats and attributes.
At fisrt, let us modify our Mana shards amount, attribute currency hold this information:
player.currency=991337 or fox.currency=991337 (is the same)

All object id’s and attributes you can find in the actors list .


Possible stats are VP, AP, CP, XP, max_vp and max_ap.
VP, AP, max_vp, max_ap and XP can be directly modified, but CP need two methods.

Example for Ceri:
VP: knight.vp=999 (will be reseted to max)
AP: knight.ap=999 (will be reseted to max)
Max VP: knight.max_vp=200
Max AP: knight.max_ap=200
XP: knight.xp=99

CP methods:
To change CP: knight.cp_change(10, force=True)
Reset CP: knight.reset_cp()


The list of all attributes you can find in the actors list.
Resistance work a bit different, 1 point = 25%.
Examples for Ceri:
level: knight.level=20 (set level to 20)
Vit (vitality): knight.vit=100 (set vit to 100)
fire (resistance): (4 * 25% = 100%)
shock (resistance): knight.shock=2 (2 * 25% = 50%)
and so on

Attention! Modify attributes like type, skills, abilities, hit, suffer or info only if you know what you are doing!

Add or remove consumable, valuable items and outfits

Objects player, fox and knight got lists, which can be filled with another objects. A list got two necessary mehtods, append() and remove(). This methods will be needed to add and remove items.
Full items list can be found here: Full items list


player got list items, to add an item, we have to append it:
player.items.append(warp_stone) (will add an Warp Stone to the “Consumables”)

If you want to remove an item, use the remove method:


“Valuables” got the type valuable in the items list.
You can add valuable to your “Consumables”, but they can not be used.
To add a valuable item, use this command:

To remove, like before:


Only fox and knight got both a list named dresses.
Yomi’s list can only be filled with items type fox.

Ceri’s list can only be filled with items type knight.

Add or remove companions

Ren'py Console Command

Be careful, some actors like Ceri(knight) can’t be removed! Always save before you add someone!

Seeds Of Chaos Cheat Engine

There are two objects, party and backup.
You can execute two methods on both objects, append and remove.
Get sure that your party isn’t full before you add someone!
backup.append(bunny) will add a bunny to your “BackUp”.
Then you can remove a bunny with
same with party.

Enable Renpy Console

Actors list

Full actors (characters) list (Google Table)

Items list

Renpy Console Cheats

Full items list (Google Table)


Guys from CE Forum
happybrother for hint about console commands.
glebsa for actors info.