Achievement | How to unlock |
| - Win your first game as a Consort.
| - Win with all of the Mafia roles.
| - Win with all of the Town roles.
| |
| - Win 10 games of Town of Salem.
| |
| - Win your first game as an Escort.
| - Win your first game as Veteran.
| - Kill 5 or more people in one game.
| - Listen to a private message.
| - Win 25 games as an Amnesiac.
| - Have your bulletproof vest save you from death.
| - Find a member of the Mafia.
| - Win your first game as a Disguiser.
| - Transport yourself with someone else.
| - Win your first game as a Bodyguard.
| |
| - Win 5 games as a Janitor.
| - Be acquitted by a tie vote.
| - Win 10 games as an Amnesiac.
| |
| - Win 5 games as a Consort.
| - Win 10 games as a Sheriff.
| |
| - Win 5 games as a Godfather.
| - Win your first game as a Transporter.
| - Win 10 games as a Consigliere.
| - Win your first game as a Janitor.
| - Die to the SerialKiller you visited.
| - Die from visiting a SerialKiller.
| - Win 10 games as a Blackmailer.
| - Win 25 games of Town of Salem.
| - Win 25 games as a Sheriff.
| - Win your first game as an Investigator.
| - Kill the Jailor who jailed you.
| - Control a SerialKiller 5 times in a game.
| - Win with half of the Mafia roles.
| - Ignite 5 or more people in one night.
| |
| - Win 10 games as a Consort.
| - Win 10 games as a Medium.
| - Force 2 Town members to die to a Veteran in a game.
| - Win 5 games as a Lookout.
| |
| |
| - Win your first game as a Sheriff.
| - Win 25 games as a Consort.
| - Win 5 games as a Transporter.
| - Win your first game as a Spy.
| - Win 25 games as a Godfather.
| - Successfully execute someone.
| |
| - Win your first game as a Blackmailer.
| - Be acquitted without revealing to the Town.
| - Reveal yourself as Mayor on day 1.
| - Win with half of all roles.
| - Win 5 games as an Arsonist.
| - Win your first game as an Executioner.
| - Execute 3 non-town members in a game.
| - Win 10 games as a Framer.
| - Win 5 games as an Amnesiac.
| - Blackmail the same person 3 times.
| - Win 5 games as a Mafioso.
| - Win 25 games as an Executioner.
| |
| |
| - Win 10 games as an Escort.
| - Win 5 games as an Executioner.
| - Win 5 games as an Investigator.
| - Win with half of the Town roles.
| - Win 25 games as a Medium.
| - Win 10 games as a Lookout.
| |
| - Successfully role block someone.
| - Win 10 games as a Mafioso.
| |
| - Win 5 games as a Blackmailer.
| - Remember that you were an Amnesiac.
| - Be killed by the SerialKiller you jailed.
| |
| - Successfully watch someone at night.
| - Successfully protect someone from being attacked.
| - Win your first game as a Survivor.
| - Win 250 games of Town of Salem.
| - Win 25 games as an Arsonist.
| - Manage to clean up your own dead body.
| - Win 10 games as an Arsonist.
| - Win without revealing yourself as the Mayor.
| |
| - Win with all of the Neutral roles.
| - Win your first game of Town Of Salem.
| - Win 5 games as a Consigliere.
| - Have 5 or more people visit your target.
| - Role block the Godfather.
| |
| - Kill the Jailor who jailed you.
| - Win your first game as a Jester.
| - Win 25 games as a Vigilante.
| - Win 5 games as a Vigilante.
| - Have your bulletproof vest save you from death.
| |
| - Win your first game as a Godfather.
| - Lynch your target twice in one game.
| - Win 10 games as a Jailor.
| - Win your first game as a SerialKiller.
| - Win without dying or becoming the Godfather.
| - Win a game without killing any town members.
| - Win 25 games as a Jester.
| - Win 5 games as a Werewolf.
| - Win 10 games as an Executioner.
| - Have a game last 10 days.
| - Win 5 games as a Sheriff.
| - Win 5 games as a Disguiser.
| - Kill three people in one night.
| - Win 25 games as a Disguiser.
| - Win 25 games as an Escort.
| - Win the game without dying.
| - Win 25 games as a Werewolf.
| - Win 10 games as a Doctor.
| - Win your first game as a Vigilante.
| - Be promoted to the Godfather.
| - Win your first game as a Mafioso.
| - Win 5 games as a SerialKiller.
| - Win 10 games as a Janitor.
| - Heal someone who was attacked.
| - Win without using a bulletproof vest.
| - Win without going on alert all game.
| - Find someone to not be suspicious.
| - Win 5 games of Town of Salem.
| - Win your first game as an Amnesiac.
| - Win your first game as a Witch.
| - Win the game without cleaning any bodies.
| - Blackmail a member of the Mafia.
| - Win your first game as a Medium.
| - Win 10 games as a Godfather.
| |
| - Win with half of the Neutral roles.
| - Win 50 games of Town of Salem.
| - Win 25 games as a Jailor.
| - Shoot 3 Non-Town in a single game.
| - Win 10 games as a Survivor.
| - Be attacked 5 or more times in a game.
| - Win your first game as a Doctor.
| - Win 25 games as a Transporter.
| - Win your first game as a Jailor.
| - Win your first game as a Consigliere.
| - Win 10 games as an Investigator.
| |
| - Win 10 games as a Bodyguard.
| - Win 10 games as a SerialKiller.
| - Win the game with another SerialKiller.
| - Win 10 games as a Transporter.
| - Win your first game as an Arsonist.
| - Get your target lynched on day 2.
| - Attack 5 people in one night.
| - Win 25 games as a Retributionist.
| - Win 5 games as a Survivor.
| - Win 10 games as a Retributionist.
| - Win 5 games as a Bodyguard.
| - Win 25 games as a Janitor.
| - Win your first game as a Werewolf.
| - See a member of the mafia targeting you.
| |
| |
| - Win 25 games as a Lookout.
| - Win your first game as a Lookout.
| - Win 25 games as a Veteran.
| |
| - Win 25 games as an Investigator.
| - Win 25 games as a Framer.
| - Win your first game as a Framer.
| |
| - Successfully disguise 3 times in one game.
| - Win 10 games as a Disguiser.
| - Win 10 games as a Vigilante.
| - Win 25 games as a Consigliere.
| - Win 25 games as a SerialKiller.
| - Win 5 games as a Veteran.
| - Remember that you were a Survivor.
| - Win 25 games as a Survivor.
| - Heal yourself after being attacked.
| - Make someone attack themself.
| - Win 10 games as a Jester.
| - Win your first game as a Mayor.
| - Win 25 games as a Doctor.
| - Win 5 games as an Escort.
| - Remember that you were a member of the Mafia.
| - Communicate with a SerialKiller.
| - Communicate with an Arsonist.
| - Communicate with the Godfather.
| - Kill the Godfather while protecting someone.
| - Frame a member of the Mafia.
| - Win your first game as a Retributionist.
| - Win with all Town members still alive.
| - Win with all Mafia members still alive.
| - Ignite a SerialKiller and Godfather in the same night.
| - Win 25 games as a Mafioso.
| - See 4 or more mafia visit people at night.
| |
| - Win 25 games as a Blackmailer.
| |
| - Kill a Godfather, Arsonist and SerialKiller in the same night.
| - With with a SerialKiller.
| - Make a Vigilante shoot another town member.
| |
| |
| - Win 5 games as a Retributionist.
| |
| - Win 25 games as a Bodyguard.
| |
| - Win 10 games as a Veteran.
| |
| - Save 3 people in one game.
| |
| - Successfully investigate someone.
| - Win a game without attempting to disguise.
| |
| - Shoot 3 people who can't die at night.
| - Win 100 games of Town of Salem.