Many video games are programmed with 'cheat' codes that can give a player access to special features. To get lists of cheat codes for Playstation 2 games, try the website Cheat Masters.

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Drunken Masters – Flash Games Download – Overview
In this Drunken Masters skill flash game you get to choose one out of ten bartenders and serve drinks in some bar! Start off with easy beers later moving on to mixing liquors and performing tricks while the customers are waiting! Try avoid serving bad drinks. Complete shifts and level up!

Download Drunken Masters (File Size ~ 7.05 MB)
Download the ZIP archive: (FileSonic) (MegaUpload) (MediaFire) (GameFront)

Please contact Deimos if:
– one of the above download links is broken.
– there is an updated version of this game.

Drunken Masters – Title Menu!
No other menu buttons in here. Just click and proceed to the bartender menu yo!

Drunken Masters – Bartender?
Choose one out of ten bartenders each with their unique portrait and bonus stats yo!

Drunken Masters – Tutorial!
Cabela big game hunter pro hunts cheats money. It is recommended to read the tutorial unless you are a natural flash game bartender!

Drunken Masters – Action!
Armor games raze 2 cheats. The first shift is easy, just serve beers to all the customers. No tricks or mixing drinks.

Drunken Masters – Complete!
The old man is there to explain things if you are done with him click him to send him away!

Drunken Masters – Tricks!
Perform various tricks such as throwing stuff around to impress customers for more tips!

Drunken masters bar game cheats free

Drunken Masters – Promotion!
Promotion means level up so you can improve your stats! Stronger? Faster? Charming?

Drunken Masters – Bottle!
Beers are fast and easy but liquor is not, you need to get a glass and pour them in yo!

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Drunken Masters Bar Game Cheats Free

Drunken Bar Game


Special thanks to Luis, BoM and Coaly for hooking me up with my first monthly prize- you guys are awesome!

So before you get started, there are some things that you'll probably need to know..

First- this game is fucking huge. There are lots of things that you can do. It only takes a few minutes to pick up the basics, but really learning all the tricks and moves is gonna take you a while. If you're looking for something mindless to kill a few minutes, this probably isn't a good time to play. Come back when you're well rested.

Second- the tutorial levels are there to help you. They're part of the game. You should really play the tutorial levels.

Third- This game can lag like a motherfucker on older machines. Either download it, or change the graphics settings in the Pause menu.
(Press shift while the game's playing. On the Pause menu, roll over 'Configure' and click 'Performance')

Finally- This game is set up to provide a fast-paced, high-action experience. Some of the steps a real bartender would take were removed to keep the pace up. Please remember that if you're going to serve a Martini, you should ALWAYS stir it with ice before straining it into a cocktail glass.

Thanks to TurboGames, the musicians, and the Voice Actors. Thanks to Onecoolgamefreak for doing some last-minute bug hunting. And thanks for fuckin playing!

Drunken Master Free

***BUG NOTICE: The 'Unbreakable' cheat has been known to cause playability issues. Use it at your own risk (or better yet, don't use it at all)