Cheat Code Lyoko Social Game On Facebook
- Tbh, I'm surprised it took this long. Seems like the 'x amount of likes to get y amount of lyoko points' posts just kept setting the bar lower and lower, but still never making it. RIP CL Social game. You were fun for about 5 minutes.
- This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue.
- Since 1996, has been the world's #1 source for game cheats, codes, guides, hints, news, and tips for Playstation 4 (PS4), Xbox One (X1), Wii U, PlayStation 3 (PS3), Xbox 360 (X360), Windows PC, iPhone, Android, Facebook games, and more. To find all the latest cheats, guides, hints and tips, visit first!
The currency in Code Lyoko: Social Game is Lyoko Points, which can be purchased through Facebook credits or by winning them through surveys and purchases. Lyoko Points are also rewarded when a player finishes particular missions or by consecutively logging in every 5 days. Stats + Character Classes.
Cheat modeCheat Code Lyoko Social Game On Facebook Hack
Pause the game and press 2, 1, C, Z, 2, 1 to unlock everything.
All goodiesPause the game and press C, 2 two times, Z, C, Z to unlock all goodies.
All bonusesPause the game and press 1, 2, C, 2 three times to unlock all bonuses.
All specialitiesPause the game and press Z, C, Z, C three times to unlock all specialities.
Infinite health and manaPause the game and press 2 two times, Z two times, 1 two times.
Super speedPause the game and press Z, 1, 2, 1 three times.
DamagesPause the game and press 1, Z two times, C three times.
Config APause the game and press 2, Z, 1, Z, C, Z.
Config BPause the game and press C two times, 1, C, Z, C.
Go to the 3D game section. Pause the game and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start to unlock all combos, upgrades, maximum money, health refill, and power rejuvenation.
Evil UlrichAt the profile selection screen, hold L + R and press Up, Left, Right, Y, X.
Web contentUse the following codes on the game's official website at // to view videos and concept art. The codes are obtained during the game by completing the block puzzles in Hacking mode.
- Dark Enemies wallpaper: 9L8Q
- Desert sketch: 6G7T
- Fight video (Ulrich, Yumi, and Scorpion combined): 4M9P
- FMV ending: 5R5K
- Forest sketch: 8C3X
- Ice sketch: 2F6U
- Mountain sketch: 7E5V
- Overbike video: 3Q4L
- Overboard video: 8P3M
- Overwing video: 8N2N
- Scorpion video: 9H8S
- Scorpion wallpaper: 3D4W
- Sector 5 sketch: 5J9R
- Ulrich fight video: 9A9Z
- Yumi fight video: 4B2Y
This trick works best with Odd. Make sure you have the Defense upgrade. Block with B until a monster shoots a projectile at you. It will be reflected, but keep holding B. Start shooting, and when you are attacked, it will be blocked as if you had your shield up.
Recommended upgrading orderTry to get the LP upgrade first, then Double Attack, then Double Defense. After that, it is your choice.
Defeating monstersCode Lyoko Video Game
While playing as any character with the Defense upgrade (except Aellita), it is easy to defeat monsters. When the monsters appear, hold your shield and watch their attack pattern. When the monster you want to hit is going to shoot you, release and press B. When the bullet hits, it will rebound. If the monster does not react, you may need to get closer. Continue doing this until the monsters die. Note: This does not work with any Boss.
Defeating the ScorpionCheat Code Lyoko Social Game On Facebook Pixel
You will fight the Scorpion three times. It goes Yumi, Odd, then Ulrich. Do about two to three circles of damage until the Scorpion runs away. Run away from the Scorpion. When he gets close, get in front of him. Strike while he is turning. When you do this, he will fall and you can get another few hits on him. When he gets up, run. Repeat this until you defeat him with Ulrich.
Defeating XANA UlrichTo defeat the Ulrich clone, you must have your sound on. Run around and stay away until you hear the clone shout. He will then be getting ready for a charge attack. This is when you should strike. You can get five hits in before he attacks. Run around until he shouts again. Repeat this until you defeat him.